What an amazing time, this huge marker of transition in your young-adult lives. Seriously, think of how far you've come!
You somehow learned to hold your head up, how to walk, talk, and feed yourself. You started this childhood a helpless infant, and are ending it the opposite. One of my hopes and prayers, is that your spiritual life will continue to mirror this.
You formed friendships, drove a car for the first time... maybe applied to schools, or jobs, or internships. Learned what it is to spend, to save. Maybe you've completely blown it. Maybe you've had your heart broken. As your youth leader, and as your friend, I've cried and I've celebrated with you in this.
In these next few weeks, maybe you are preparing to leave your childhood home. How you must feel!
And man, I can't imagine what your parents are going through too. Know that, they're letting you go. Everyday, piece by piece, moment by moment. They're saying good-bye... to the baby they held, to the child they raised... to the adult you've become that is leaving for uncharted territory. And with them, in many ways, we're letting you go too.
For those of you I've gotten to know over the last couple of years in youth group, we've learned, laughed, and grown together; this is a bittersweet time. I'm thinking through all of these things with you... and for you... This marker: graduation. I wonder how you're feeling right now, and vaguely remember it myself. That sense of pride and accomplishment, wonder... fear... anticipation. I'm so proud and excited for you.
Please know, my honest, earnest, fervent prayer for you in this time of transition... is that you will remember your roots. Remember your faith first, the friends you made, the walls of your church, and the walls of your home.
I can't stress enough {and it's coming from experience} how important it is to put God first, and to allow Him to light a fire under your faith. When you put Him first - in any and every sphere - your paths will be straight. That's a promise. You are from Him; so live your life for Him.
{Proverbs 3:6}
Please don't leave, and forget everything we've taught you. Don't suppress it, or dumb it down, or rationalize with the World or by her standards; don't give in to the World and what she says. Be strong; be bold! That first pressured situation without your safety net; that first philosophy class that rocks your faith. Stand strong; you can do this! You can live set apart! Don't give in to the temptations and the allure of the World. They only serve to harm you {that's another promise}. Again, stand firm... in what you've learned, in the Word, in your faith, and most importantly, in the strength and in the love of the One who sustains you.
And have fun. Everything is before you, and it turns out life is pretty amazing, not only as a young adult thrown into the world for the first time, but in general. Life is good; it's from God.
Remember your roots, and go out there and be somebody for Him. I believe in you; we all do, and are holding you up as your church, and as your family.