Monday, September 29, 2014

Why I Love Youth Ministry

Why I Love Youth Ministry

To preface, hanging out with teenagers is awesome; working for God's glory - together - is awesome. Discipling, building up, praying for, sending out, inviting in, teaching and learning from young people is awesome. You can say it... everything {youth} is awesome!

I'll admit... a lot of the time I'm like: 

and when they use words like 'bae' my face goes:

and in our group, I'm the one who's like:

"WHATUUUUP, iss time to WORSHIP."

and by the time I'm finally in on the # thing, it's a dead art form. So when I # things, it's like:

And even though I fully utilize the unholy social media trinity (FB, Twitter, Instagram, what's up), I'm still behind because, hello Tumblr, Snapchat, Flickipedia. Oh. You haven't heard of Flickipedia? Pffsh. It's new; no big. Just a movie encyclopedia thing... y'know...for your phone...and your brain... patent pending. {And I'm still out for using a word like 'utilize'!} << SMH

Here are my Top Reasons why I Love Youth Ministry (or Why Youth Ministry is Awesome):
... #enjoy.

1. The Games/Food of Sunday Nights: Sundays. On no other night would I find it awesome, or even remotely permissable ("inconceivable!") to stuff myself full of pizza rolls immediately after running barefoot through a sometimes dark parking lot chasing a frisbee (or person/volleyball/Nerf dart/other kind of ball/bandana/bag of colored powder/etc.) Nausea? Bueller? Anybody? Basically, we eat a lot of junk, and chase after a lot of stuff. Not the least of these being, Jesus. #boom #transitions

2. Jesus: in/with youth, we do a lot of learnin'/lovin'/livin' Jesus. It doesn't get much better than that. Throughout the week too, our house is youth open-house. And that's awesome.

3. Activities/Retreats/Mission Trips: Youth ministry is just FUN. 'Nough said.

4. You Can Be Silly/Yourself and it's Not Weird: There's definitely a genuine 'celebrate each person for who they are' kind of vibe in youth. Everyone accepts each other. And that's awesome.

4. The People: To each of you, I pray for you, and I love you; we are in it together.

5. Vision and Hope: The main reason why I love youth ministry revolves around who Jesus is, who He calls us to be in Him, and how young people are seemingly so readily hard-wired for this. For the most part, young people are the passionate, go-getters of the church. Youth believe like how we ought to believe, approaching Jesus with open hands, excited and ready for what He will do, and how He will move. Youth believe, and they act on these beliefs. 

It looks like, "I really believe nothing is impossible with You, Lord!"
 "I believe God is going to change this; I believe You are who You say You are!"
It's a fervent, unified battle cry: "I LOVE the LORD!" 

It's that kind of powerful, raw faith that moves mountains.

"You don't have enough faith," Jesus told them. "I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it would move. Nothing would be impossible." Matthew 17:20

Throughout 1 Samuel, especially chapter 17, I circled every time David was called (or discredited as being) a 'youth' or 'just a youth'. It makes me {lol} and reveals how awesome our God is, that He has always chosen (and continues to choose) those who we would vote 'least likely to succeed'. Because David, chosen by God, ('just a youth'), goes on to slay a giant.

It's that mustard-seed sized, underdog kind of faith you find in Youth, and it should become an epidemic. The youths of our church, of the church worldwide, are vital people with fiery faith, with purpose and destiny written all over them. Youth is not 'big church in training', and young people are not just a bunch of cast-off's/misfits (a beautiful reminder, not an exhortation).

"Don't let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity." 1 Timothy 4:12

I started walking with God seriously when I was 17, after my own 'youth' was nearly over. I see now how God redeemed this lost time, however, giving me youth ministry (and parenting) training while working in a movie theater. I worked for Cinemark theaters from age 16-22, in 3 theaters across 2 states, working alongside other teens, and then managing teens as a young adult. All throughout this time, I was racking up valuable skills, not knowing they were rapidly gaining divine interest in the bank. Also at this time, and early in my walk with Jesus, I noticed I was always among the youngest, if not the youngest, at conferences and in bible studies. I also noticed there were never very many of 'us', young people, amongst a sea of older believers. I believed then {as I believe now} that this dichotomy needed to change. I know now, our God is the master-agent of change, and even now He is rallying and raising up young people across the globe for His purposes and for His glory, a tribe of radical, young, idealistic believers who want to make His name famous {and age, doesn't really matter - you can be 103 with young, idealistic faith!}. I want to help light and then pass this torch of revival to the upcoming generations. I want to be a part of this dynamic movement, to help strengthen young people in their faith and in their zeal, right where they're at, so that it carries over into adulthood.
Simply put, I want to be {and motivate others to be} world changers.

With <3 - Lex 'just a youth' Webb