Saturday, November 1, 2014

11/1 Thought

Labels {and label-givers} assume a position they have not been given. God, forgive us when we do this.

The only label-giver (and name attached to you that gives you Worth) - is Jesus.

{Chosen. Redeemed. Forgiven. Set Free.}

Don't believe them or the enemy's lies. Keep your head up. Remember HIS words, not theirs.

{Alive. Set Apart. Dearly Loved. Holy. Marked w/ Purpose.}

I am not my sin. I am not the sum total of my trials or temptations, my mistakes or my failures. I am not 'that one' exchange you had with me. You are not better than me; friend, sin levels the playing field. You don't get to categorize, belittle, or define me ill-defined; I am already defined. I am whole, I am love. I am redeemed, I am loved. I am 'in-progress', I am His child. I am a mistake-maker, but He is the mistake-taker. Drowning in Grace, I am free. I am who I AM says I am. From Him/For Him/By Him, I am unstoppable.

Let it go, judge. We are not guilty; we have been set free.
