I was thinking yesterday about FUBU (a clothing line that was semi-popular (?) in the late 90's/early 00's.) One of the shirts I borrowed and wore *a lot* that year was a long-sleeved black FUBU shirt that said FUBU05 on the front in bright yellow lettering.
*pretty close |
I guess the running understanding is that FUBU is an acronym for 'For Us By Us', meaning, clothing made by African-Americans for African-Americans {*face palm* whoops}.
Even now when you google FUBU, one of the top results from their own website describes their line as an "urban streetwear label known for their following among rap artists."
Since I am very much so a) not a rap artist and b) straight up glow-in-the-dark white, this grave under-assessment on my part was made all the more embarrassing that I actually wore this shirt around proudly for a year.
So why tell of this delightful snapshot... the acronym had me thinking:
{The Church and her activities are/were never meant to be For Us By Us.}
There's an event coming up at my church, that I'm really looking forward to, and I think it's largely because it is outreach-minded... like, we exist to reach out into our communities and the world! That's the point when Jesus said He came for the sick and not necessarily for the healthy. This is not to negate the nights and programs that exist to build up the church; it's all necessary and all works together to point people to Jesus.
The second, lesser point of the FUBU story: the only label I attach to myself that gives me Worth - is Jesus. On the inside of my shirt it should just say Loved; the stitching on the back of my sheepskin boot should just say Bought Back, and nothing outside of that matters or gives me worth. If you're like me in this, say it over and over: Jesus alone gives me Worth. Whether my shirt says Mossimo or Loft; the me inside the clothes doesn't change. My price remains the same - already bought and paid for. Besides that, any label outside of 'Jesus' can be misleading. ;)