A lot of the time around here for breakfast it's a variation of yogurt, fruit, & granola. Today it's honey Noosa, blackberries, & granola... only it ISN'T granola; it's these weird pomegranate cluster oat things from King Sooper's faking their way through some kitchen-cabinet charade as granola. Yeah.
Deception, happening right now. |
So I'm sitting here trying to break these giant clumps up into real granola, pounding and chipping away with a spoon when it hits me: this is totally how it is in some of my relationships.
Hammering, chipping, pounding away, trying to make this *thing* into something it's not, and what it may never be. You can't make yourself matter to someone. At some point, you have to accept the weird-amorphous cluster chunk, bite down, chip a tooth, and let it lie.