Every song has a moment.
Maybe you'll know the one I'm thinking of. As Asa and I were jumping and worshipping around the kitchen this morning (daily occurrence) the "moment" came like it always does ...
(pause..2,3,4) AND I RAN OUT OF THAT GRAVE! (Fun instrumentation and dance party follows.)
Freedom. That's the line. The moment. The Gospel, and what it freely offers to each of us. Dropped chains, wild freedom.
I don't know what your grave is or was this morning, or how it maybe reburies you from time to time as we all keep walking with the Lord, 'working out our salvation with fear and trembling' (Philippians 2:12), but I do know our God is a graverobber. His shovel is made of steel, and nothing .. no thing .. is beyond His saving reach!
My grave this morning is a person, rusted and broken open at my feet. His Grace is greater, so I keep dancing.