"So .. how can an average person take down a pedophile?" These are the thoughts I have, typing them into an imaginary search engine, half kidding, half losing it. I'm also wondering if this delves into vigilanteism. "Seriously, if our legal system is broken, the government is broken, our leaders are broken, paid off or at worst in on all of it - what can we do? I mean, really, we, as in, the people, what can we do?" I pull away from the screen, sit for a minute, and shut the laptop, ignoring the stinging behind my eyes.
Like you, I'm tired of waiting. The headlines don't seem to go down quite as easy, churning up acid every time I reach for my son to change his diaper or his shirt, knowing for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction in this world, with however many less-innocent solicitations going on all of the time, and aside from prayer, which I believe is VERY powerful, I'm powerless to stop it. It's like when the player reaches the end of a record, but instead of a carefree heart, ready to put the next one on with the swish of her dress and a cocktail in-hand - there's just an endless muffled scratch.
How long, Lord? What can keep a man "good" apart from you?
We look to the courts for justice - for the judge to accurately interpret law in order to enact a punishment fitting of its crime. We trust this process. I guess I'm asking you - what if the only true judge is God, and we've abandoned Him? Why not return to the One who created what is truly true and what is truly just?
I think in our heart of hearts, we understand that these things do not begin or end with us. How could they? Left to our own inventions, where is the world? One quick scroll through Facebook alludes to our collective longing for justice in this world, but it's equally telling how we also won't define right and wrong. So justice becomes elusive, and the cycles keep cycling, and we wonder why we're frustrated, cynical or numb.
Remember the minor prophets as you read any of this, the Psalmists, Ecclesiastes. It's important to cry out to God in all things - especially the things we tend to hide from others, even ourselves. The bare, unearthed seedy, pit of a man's heart, created from dust - it's what He wants and it's what He holds. To long for God to return, to beg Him not to delay any longer in delivering what's just, when the perpetrator seems to repeatedly get off, when people are still inventing, after all of this time, new ways of being all kinds of awful to each other - to wonder & to maybe ask - if He's even there at all. He can take it.
I need Your mercy and patience, God. Create a clean heart in me - create YOU in me, yes - but I would be lying if I said it didn't feel too far from me, too unattainable. I'm not like you, God. When babies are being abused, slaughtered. Sold. I want justice now. For You so Loved the world .. but right now I really hate it.
Even so - especially so - come quickly, Lord Jesus!
Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; steadfast love and faithfulness go before you. Psalm 89:14