Friday, December 26, 2014

12/26 Thought

Gareth Emery feat. Christina Novelli - Dynamite

"And its all for you/every spark in every flame/all for you/and all the stars will know your name"

I love this video, because it inadvertently points me to Him.

I want to yell: look up! You don't have to be fed by dark beats or by the music itself. If there is anything good or beautiful in you, it's merely a reflection. Look up with arms raised to the One who made all of this, to the One who made us in His image, to the One who created us to create and to enjoy all things. Music, color, love... life. Anything good or beautiful in you, give back to Him.

{It's all for You/and the stars all know Your name!}

Monday, December 22, 2014

The Reason

Asking "what is the point of Christmas?" draws a variety of responses. An overwhelming victory shout {Jesus}, a mixed bag of beloved traditions, allusions to family and friends, to our time and how we spend it, and even the brutal truth of how this season can simply bury us.

Here are a few points you shared:

"The entire point of Christmas is Jesus. It's sad that we become numb to the fact that the God of all humanity would send His son to earth. Jesus gave up heaven and came down to live and die with us to save us. This is where the path to restoration started. They had no idea who he was. He was God's gift to us."

"The idea of describing the point of Christmas is certainly a daunting task, many have dedicated volumes to this end and certainly many different points could be discussed, all with equal merit, truth and significance. I suppose if you needed to boil it all down to one point, it would be sufficient to find the place of Christmas in the overall message of all of scripture and all of life, which is God restoring his creation to its intended state in order to glorify his name. The place of Jesus is obvious to those who believe, that he is the unblemished lamb that is offered up for the sins of God's people so that the wrath of God might be satisfied and he may dwell with his people and his presence would stir worship for himself. I think of Exodus 12 where we see God command Israel to bring a lamb without blemish into their house for this exact purpose. The rest of Exodus is about the promise of God to dwell with his people and the means he provides for them to do this. The sacrificial system points toward the inevitable arrival of Jesus, toward Christmas, when our lamb comes into the house, not to be tamed, not to be our pet, but to be sacrificed violently so God could establish his people who would worship his name because of what he had done. Praise God for he has provided the lamb on this wonderful day, a lamb that none of us could provide!"

"What is the point of Christmas? While this question has become increasingly muddled in our modern society, for me it is still as simple as a Celebration of the birth of Christ. While Jesus probably wasn't born on December 25th, it seems as good of a day as any to celebrate that. But why is that something we should celebrate? And how is that related to Santa Claus and Christmas trees and the giving of gifts? Those are all legitimate questions, and there are plenty of other great blogs that have written about them, so I will just focus on why this is something we should celebrate.

I love listening to the Hallelujah Chorus. Most people know this piece of music, but I don't know if most people think about it in the context of the entire performance. Handel's Messiah is simply the words of the Bible set to a very moving and riveting score. What begins with the announcement of the Messiah in Part I is culminated in the Hallelujah chorus (from Part II, but often times is played at the end of Part I in a shorter show). The word Hallelujah is defined as "used to express praise, joy, or thanks especially to God". The words in part read:

The kingdom of this world
Is become the kingdom of our Lord,
And of His Christ, and of His Christ;
And He shall reign for ever and ever,
For ever and ever, forever and ever.

This is why we express praise and joy for God; because of His ultimate rule of the world, and the ensuing greatness of Eternity with Him. And this all starts with His first coming, which to me is the ultimate point of Christmas."


I want to add that the point of Christmas... is Him.

Since the dawn of creation until the end of days, it has always been about Jesus... and He is love. So really, Christmas... Jesus...Immanuel {God with us}, is an expression of God's love for us, rivaled only by the Cross. God made you; He loves you. He wants you. He sent Himself to Earth in Jesus to free you.

The list of what I wish I could explain to you this Christmas stretches for miles. I want you to know that "Jesus" is not synonymous with "religion". That church isn't a "club" propagated only to the rich or to the gullible. That it doesn't look like maybe what you remember. It's no longer the turned-up noses of our grand-parents and great grand-parents' generations sitting in hard pews. I want you to know that not all Christians act like what you see in the movies, and that just like in all things, people can't be objectively 'defined', at least, not by each other. I want you to know that the church is alive, that God is real and that He is moving. I want you to know that whether or not we 'believe' something doesn't make it true, rather, something is either objectively True or it is not. I want you to know that Christianity transcends terms like "religious preference", "political bias", or even "worldview". It's not a hat worn weekly that can be taken on and off. It's a movement, but rooted in truth, it is not fanatical. It is historical, and it is wholly supernatural. Friend, do you know Jesus?

You've probably been right. You've seen hypocrisy, and are maybe still nursing old wounds. It's bound to happen; we are imperfect people in-progress, and this world is broken. It's not what He wants; this was not His plan. He does not turn a blind eye to us and our mess. He will fix this one day; I promise. I want you to know that authentic Christianity looks like giving grace over and over again. It's the opposite of everything you've ever known. It's giving people what they don't deserve, because we've been given what we don't deserve - His mercy, another act of love expressed by God on the cross. It looks like forgiveness on repeat, a new softness, leaving the past behind in favor of infinite fresh starts.

{A true Christian recognizes his brokenness and brings it to Jesus.}

It's dependence. It's higher thinking; it's looking outside yourself. It's 'the greater good'. It's the ultimate expression of humanitarianism. It's philosophy. It's love; it's the solution. It's everything you've tried, and everything you want to be true. It's being made righteous by a King, not a fabricated righteousness of ourselves. Church is not just a building, it's the collective joining of His people. Church is where we are all patients in a hospital, some of us being revived. He is waiting to lift your burdens, to break all of your chains. Do you know Him?

"Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." - Jesus, Matthew 11:28
"But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life." - Jesus, John 4:14

Friends, did you know that churches are full of people like you and I?

That music for Him can sound like this:

That He speaks to people through visions and dreams? That He loves deeply and is drawing people of every nation, race, gender, religion, and sexual orientation to Himself, to make us whole, even now?

I want you to know that the Bible is the most historically and archaeologically verifiable collection of books ever written. I want you to know that the "Word of God is alive and active" and that it is "sharper than any double-edged sword; it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." {Hebrews 4:12}

I want you to know that it was prophesied long before His birth that He would come. Not just the details surrounding His birth, but also those of His life, ministry, crucifixion, and second-coming. He was revered by believing Jews as their promised "Mashiach" {Messiah}. A King. The great Deliverer. There are nearly 300 prophetic references to Jesus Christ throughout the Old Testament.

The Bible is a miraculous, focused collection of historical events, moral and civil law, Hebrew poetry (R. Vannoy), and end-times prophecy. The Bible declares how it all began, it exposes who we are, it offers hope and Life in Jesus Christ, and bookends with how it all will end.

I want you to know that there is a reason for this season.

It's Him.

Do you know Him, friend?

Merry Christmas.

Love, Lex Webb

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

How Parenthood Changes Friendship {Lite v.}/Open Apology

{This is mostly written to the tune of 2007-2011ish, 
though the sentiments expressed could easily apply to the people in my life now.}

With gift giving, limited space, and Christmas coming, I decided to clear some space today. Two closets and one wedding video later, Nathan and I couldn't stop laughing - seeing how young everyone was, some seriously legendary moves happening on the dance floor, underage me taking a sip of champagne and shaking my head in what I assume was disgust, hearing your marriage advice for us, and remembering how solid our friend group was at the time. {It makes me sad to write 'at the time'.}

I knew then that it would change. We were all going different ways, some of us graduating, moving, getting promoted, getting engaged, married, buying homes...having babies. I know now, that change is natural, inevitable, but as with many things, my heart is slow to learn. Knowing it's inevitable doesn't change how memories affect you. Merely 'knowing it' doesn't ease the bittersweetness or the sting of nostalgia. 

Adulthood and parenthood changes you; your life is no longer about you. Evenings, vacations, and days off are spent fixing dryers, telling stories, and rocking tiny people back to sleep. There are many, many sleepless nights and showerless days. The phone is used less for texting and more for its calendar and alarm. Shopping, eating out, concerts, and movies are rare and eagerly anticipated. Extra money, free time, and travel become just terms on paper, elusive, said only after the words 'one day'. New shoes are a once a year thing, and we have come to love hand-me-downs and second-hand stores. While I used to see 3-5 movies p/week, I now see one once every few months. If that. Nope, probably not even that often.

Point being, more often than not, parents either exchange or shelf their own hobbies and interests {for just a short sweet time} in order to be with their kids. To love them, invest in them, guide them, and help them grow into the people they are going to be. And it's worth it! Don't get me wrong; I miss my friends. I miss last minute plans, spontaneity, buying plane tickets, and just being dumb from time to time. I miss shenanigans at IHOP, and I miss seeing movies that start later than 7:45. But this is precious time... and I wouldn't trade it for anything!

So let me be the first to apologize to you, dear friend. For every time I didn't call or text or message you back. For not visiting. For missing important events, even cards, gifts and phone calls. For running late, for forgetting {or never scheduling} coffee or lunch dates. For not getting together enough. For not being there for you. For making excuses, and for the times ahead where I will still fail. Please forgive me in this season. Know that you left a mark on my life, and that you are dearly, dearly loved.

If you don't see yourself, it's because I lost a lot of pictures when I got my new phone. 
Would you pretty please send me some?
I would love a Cinemark or Utah flashback :)

Come visit us! 
I don't even go to bed until, like 8. So... plenty of time to build a fort in the living room, tell scary stories, take a bunch of selfies, then eat pancakes.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

11/19 Thought

I don't know if it's just in your twenties {probably not}, but this decade really has been a time of growth for me, of discovering just who I am, particularly who I am in Jesus. It's identity ignition, the first sprint from the start line. I can't believe it has taken me this long to realize this, but for whatever reasons it has: that there is joy and authenticity and freedom in just. being. yourself.

It's like learning how to breathe all over again, pure liberation.

And it's important to remember that we are all in progress, that it never boils down to just "one" experience or interaction we've shared. That the "one" doesn't define a person. To receive His grace... such sweet undeserved mercy, God! And to extend it to each other... over and over again, until this beautiful thing is finished.

I'm sorry for the hurts I may have caused you in my 'in progress'. Know that I would never intentionally hurt you. Never. Please pass some grace my way too, and walk with me into the light.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

11/1 Thought

Labels {and label-givers} assume a position they have not been given. God, forgive us when we do this.

The only label-giver (and name attached to you that gives you Worth) - is Jesus.

{Chosen. Redeemed. Forgiven. Set Free.}

Don't believe them or the enemy's lies. Keep your head up. Remember HIS words, not theirs.

{Alive. Set Apart. Dearly Loved. Holy. Marked w/ Purpose.}

I am not my sin. I am not the sum total of my trials or temptations, my mistakes or my failures. I am not 'that one' exchange you had with me. You are not better than me; friend, sin levels the playing field. You don't get to categorize, belittle, or define me ill-defined; I am already defined. I am whole, I am love. I am redeemed, I am loved. I am 'in-progress', I am His child. I am a mistake-maker, but He is the mistake-taker. Drowning in Grace, I am free. I am who I AM says I am. From Him/For Him/By Him, I am unstoppable.

Let it go, judge. We are not guilty; we have been set free.


Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Shem and the Call of Abram

I. The Importance of Genealogy – Genesis 11:10-32, Luke 3:23-38

1. Keeping meticulous records and genealogies established God’s people as chosen, as partakers of the blessings of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Citizenship, culture, and inheritance were tied to family history.
2. “Later on, Genealogies were essential to proving whether a Jewish male could serve in the Levitical priesthood. Priests could only be from the tribe of Levi and descendants of Aaron, the brother of Moses. If a man could not prove this connection, he was unable to serve as a priest.”
3. “Genealogies emphasized the importance of the family unit in Jewish culture. Traditional Jewish culture emphasized marriage between a man and a woman who were responsible for raising children and continuing the legacy of their family with the next generation. The Jews took seriously their responsibility to continue the line that would bring honor to the family name.”
4. “Finally, the genealogies of the Jews were important in tracing the line of the Messiah. The Old Testament made it clear that the Messiah would be the Son of David.”

Everything has always pointed to Jesus. From creation, through His royal lineage and connection to King David, to His death and resurrection, to His second coming. Everything in scripture points to Jesus.

2 Samuel 7:12-16
God promises David that his son Solomon would succeed him and establish his kingdom, Solomon would build the temple, and that “…the right to rule would always remain with David’s dynasty. Jesus Christ is the ultimate fulfillment of these promises”. While presently He is not ruling from the throne of David, at His second coming He will assume this throne. (NAS commentary)

 Jeremiah 23:5
“Behold, the days are coming, declares the LORD, when I shall raise up for David a righteous Branch; and He will reign as king and act wisely and do justice and righteousness in the land.”
Jeremiah 23:5

Branch: a shoot, a messianic title signifying the new life the Messiah will bring. (NAS commentary)

“In that day the heir to David's throne will be a banner of salvation to all the world. The nations will rally to him, and the land where he lives will be a glorious place.”
Isaiah 11:10

“You once said, “I joined forces with my chosen leader,
    I pledged my word to my servant, David, saying,
‘Everyone descending from you is guaranteed life;
    I’ll make your rule as solid and lasting as rock.’” - Message
Psalm 89:3-4 – a covenant made with David ensuring his seed would be established forever.

“Now while the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them a question:
‘What do you think about the Christ, whose son is He?’
They said to Him, ‘The Son of David’.”
Matthew 22:41-42
5. VID – “That’s My King”
Shadrach Meshach Lockridge was the Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, in San Diego, California, from 1953 to 1993. He was known for his preaching across the United States and around the world. This is a clip from his sermon titled “Seven Way King” or “That’s My King”.

II. The Call & the Covenant

From Genesis 12:1-4:

1. The LORD spoke to Abram.

God formed Abram, He knew him. He set him in history, at the exact time and place according to His plan and will for Abram’s life, all for His divine purposes. Abram belonged to God, and He didn’t have to do anything to earn God’s favor or the call that was already on his life.  God knew where he was, the man who would father His nation, His chosen people, the man who would become a hero to his people, known for His great faith in his even greater God. The God who found Abram, and merely had to speak in order to call him to his destiny... “Go,” He said. So Abram “went forth”. A call and a response, a command and obedience, all from a God who wrote the word ‘purpose’ into a man.

God made a promise to Abram, and He would continue to re-iterate this promise throughout their time together. The promise where God would lead Abram to a new land, where through him a great nation would be born. The promise of God to guide, protect, and bless His people.

Similarly, God calls us, grafted into His grand design through His son, Jesus Christ (Romans 11). God formed you, He knows you. He set you in history, in this exact time, place, country, and culture according to His plan and purposes for your life. You belong to God, and you didn’t have to do anything to earn His favor or the call He has put upon your life. God knows where you are; He knew where to find you. He knows where you’ve been, and He has a plan for where you’re going. The God who found you also made a promise to you - His name is Jesus. With unfailing love, He reconciled you to Himself through Jesus’ blood, and because of this you now have both eternal life after death, and a purpose-filled life to live while you still have breath and time here on Earth.

Found – called out – redeemed – and re-purposed for His Kingdom, for your good and for His glory.

2. God said, “Go,” and Abram “went forth”.

{So how is God telling you to “Go?”}

Perhaps you have ailing family members or neighbors, lost people in your life that God has entrusted to you that need to hear about Jesus before they die, so they too can discover their Purpose.

Maybe you’re called to “go” and love that person in your life that you can’t stand.
To raise your children or grandchildren in the Truth. Maybe you’re called to serve in this church, to be a part of the body of Christ. Perhaps it’s time to turn your religion and rules over to Jesus.

Maybe you are called to shine light on Facebook, to go overseas, to go across the street, to lead a Bible Study, to pray. To make and deliver meals, to seek out lonely people, to befriend that person. To be humble. To look like Him. In Christ, we were all called from darkness, out into light, and told to “Go” in two huge ways.

The first, to “Go…” and “make disciples of every nation, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.” Matthew 28:19

And secondly, to love God, and to love others.

“Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” John 13:35

And it might cost you something. Your time, your money, your talent, your comfort, your familiarity, your family. Jesus said to pick up your cross and follow Him.

“I have heard the call, and I will not be moved. I have set my heart on one thing. When the cost is great, YOU are greater still. As for me I will raise your banner high.”

3. Lastly, from verse 8, as Abram stopped in Bethel, “house of God”, he built an altar to the Lord, and called upon the name of the Lord.”

{The called call upon the name of the Lord}

III. Abram’s Lie, and God’s Grace – Genesis 12:9-20

Key Points:

1. Plotting and Planning ignore Protection and Provision
2. Schemes usually involve more than one person
3. Sin Affects more than just the Sinner
4. God blesses the Sinner - not their Sin
5. God is Faithful to Faithless People
6. God’s Grace Outweighs Mistakes

Friday, October 10, 2014

Lessons & Lies

Here is the mixed bag of lessons He's given me lately. Some are from Him for me, and others are what I see going on around me.

1. You can have conviction, but it should always be rooted in love. Love is the foundation for any good quality you want to have {all in aligning our character to His (Romans 12:2)}.

{Humility, gentleness, patience, kindness, compassion, and friendliness.} 
Not to mention the other fruits of the Spirit found in Galatians 5:22-23.

Conviction/Passion is never an excuse to be a jerk about what you believe, even inadvertantly. Think of who has been entrusted to you, and of just how much Jesus loved His church. This will motivate us to love {and will naturally smooth out any rough edges}.

Ephesians 4:2-3

2. Flattery is not the same as encouragement. Be careful with your words, even the seemingly good ones, because above everything else, you're speaking to someone's heart.

3. Sometimes we say completely stupid and untrue things, and when we're cringing and shaking our heads later on, it seems like it's easier to be forgiven by others for our faults {or to forgive others for theirs} than to forgive ourselves. Forgive yourself. Forgive yourself and move forward, or our faith is a lie.

4. Be careful and protect your heart when it comes to dating - when they say they like you, or you think you like them, remember - Jesus is your first love. I can say this with authority, because I've failed {and then grown, and continue to grow} in allowing Jesus to be the absolute core of my life. Everything should stem from and flow out of the idea that Jesus is your first love, the center, or core of your life. So it goes: Jesus, then romantic interest/future spouse, then friends, then career/aspirations/dreams/goals, etc. The order may look different for each person, but pay attention to who/what takes up the first spot.

5. Along with #4, sometimes they don't like you. They just like that you like them.

6. Lie: you are alone in your battle.

"No test or temptation that comes your way is beyond the course of what others have had to face. All you need to remember is that God will never let you down; he’ll never let you be pushed past your limit; he’ll always be there to help you come through it." - - 1 Corinthians 10:13, Message

"Keep your guard up. You're not the only ones plunged into these hard times. It's the same with Christians all over the world. So keep a firm grip on the faith." - - 1 Peter 5:9, Message

"Your grace is a dream I cannot shake/taste and see/it's sweeter than anything"

7. Lie: you can't be used by God because of your past, your sins, or your present battle.

"Take a good look, friends, at who you were when you got called into this life. I don’t see many of “the brightest and the best” among you, not many influential, not many from high-society families. Isn't it obvious that God deliberately chose men and women that the culture overlooks and exploits and abuses, chose these “nobodies” to expose the hollow pretensions of the “somebodies”? That makes it quite clear that none of you can get by with blowing your own horn before God. Everything that we have—right thinking and right living, a clean slate and a fresh start—comes from God by way of Jesus Christ...” - - 1 Corinthians 1:27-31, Message

"Because of the extravagance of those revelations, and so I wouldn’t get a big head, I was given the gift of a handicap to keep me in constant touch with my limitations. Satan’s angel did his best to get me down; what he in fact did was push me to my knees. No danger then of walking around high and mighty! At first I didn’t think of it as a gift, and begged God to remove it. Three times I did that, and then he told me,

My grace is enough; it’s all you need.
My strength comes into its own in your weakness.

Once I heard that, I was glad to let it happen. I quit focusing on the handicap and began appreciating the gift. It was a case of Christ’s strength moving in on my weakness. Now I take limitations in stride, and with good cheer, these limitations that cut me down to size—abuse, accidents, opposition, bad breaks. I just let Christ take over! And so the weaker I get, the stronger I become."
- - 2 Corinthians 12:7-10, Message

8. Pray for any lie, deceit, or hypocrisy in you, as a leader, as a teacher, as a parent, as a brother... to be exposed and then annihilated. I'm praying this presently, and He's answering me. The answers strip down and reveal just how deep my depravity runs. Deeper still, I see my need for Jesus, and at the bottom, a vast endless sea of steadfast love.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

10/4 Thought

I had a thought this morning, thinking about my friendships throughout the years.

Some come for a season, then go entirely, leaving only memories and lessons to sift through.

Some are timeless... the kind where we move, say 'I do', have babies, and form new friendships that never replace the old.

Some are blossoming for the first time, others after a long winter... still others fading.

Some never take root {and were never meant to}. It's a hard lesson to let people go, or really, to let go of the hold they have over you... to simply cut ties and walk, when everything in you wants (or wanted) the opposite.

I don't know if it's ever right, or justified, or biblical to just give up. When we're loved with unfailing love and charged to love others in the same way. When we want unity, maturity, and to walk upright in truth, preferably together. When we want lasting friendships that ultimately point to Him.

But I also know that running toward a wrong thing is like walking backwards. A moot point.

 {So for now, I don't want to necessarily let go of you, but reach all the more for Him.}

Serving and loving a God who multiplies the things He takes away, even when it's painful to pull away, even when we don't understand the 'how' or 'why'... will end well, for our good and for His glory (Romans 8:28).

Monday, September 29, 2014

Why I Love Youth Ministry

Why I Love Youth Ministry

To preface, hanging out with teenagers is awesome; working for God's glory - together - is awesome. Discipling, building up, praying for, sending out, inviting in, teaching and learning from young people is awesome. You can say it... everything {youth} is awesome!

I'll admit... a lot of the time I'm like: 

and when they use words like 'bae' my face goes:

and in our group, I'm the one who's like:

"WHATUUUUP, iss time to WORSHIP."

and by the time I'm finally in on the # thing, it's a dead art form. So when I # things, it's like:

And even though I fully utilize the unholy social media trinity (FB, Twitter, Instagram, what's up), I'm still behind because, hello Tumblr, Snapchat, Flickipedia. Oh. You haven't heard of Flickipedia? Pffsh. It's new; no big. Just a movie encyclopedia thing... y'know...for your phone...and your brain... patent pending. {And I'm still out for using a word like 'utilize'!} << SMH

Here are my Top Reasons why I Love Youth Ministry (or Why Youth Ministry is Awesome):
... #enjoy.

1. The Games/Food of Sunday Nights: Sundays. On no other night would I find it awesome, or even remotely permissable ("inconceivable!") to stuff myself full of pizza rolls immediately after running barefoot through a sometimes dark parking lot chasing a frisbee (or person/volleyball/Nerf dart/other kind of ball/bandana/bag of colored powder/etc.) Nausea? Bueller? Anybody? Basically, we eat a lot of junk, and chase after a lot of stuff. Not the least of these being, Jesus. #boom #transitions

2. Jesus: in/with youth, we do a lot of learnin'/lovin'/livin' Jesus. It doesn't get much better than that. Throughout the week too, our house is youth open-house. And that's awesome.

3. Activities/Retreats/Mission Trips: Youth ministry is just FUN. 'Nough said.

4. You Can Be Silly/Yourself and it's Not Weird: There's definitely a genuine 'celebrate each person for who they are' kind of vibe in youth. Everyone accepts each other. And that's awesome.

4. The People: To each of you, I pray for you, and I love you; we are in it together.

5. Vision and Hope: The main reason why I love youth ministry revolves around who Jesus is, who He calls us to be in Him, and how young people are seemingly so readily hard-wired for this. For the most part, young people are the passionate, go-getters of the church. Youth believe like how we ought to believe, approaching Jesus with open hands, excited and ready for what He will do, and how He will move. Youth believe, and they act on these beliefs. 

It looks like, "I really believe nothing is impossible with You, Lord!"
 "I believe God is going to change this; I believe You are who You say You are!"
It's a fervent, unified battle cry: "I LOVE the LORD!" 

It's that kind of powerful, raw faith that moves mountains.

"You don't have enough faith," Jesus told them. "I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it would move. Nothing would be impossible." Matthew 17:20

Throughout 1 Samuel, especially chapter 17, I circled every time David was called (or discredited as being) a 'youth' or 'just a youth'. It makes me {lol} and reveals how awesome our God is, that He has always chosen (and continues to choose) those who we would vote 'least likely to succeed'. Because David, chosen by God, ('just a youth'), goes on to slay a giant.

It's that mustard-seed sized, underdog kind of faith you find in Youth, and it should become an epidemic. The youths of our church, of the church worldwide, are vital people with fiery faith, with purpose and destiny written all over them. Youth is not 'big church in training', and young people are not just a bunch of cast-off's/misfits (a beautiful reminder, not an exhortation).

"Don't let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity." 1 Timothy 4:12

I started walking with God seriously when I was 17, after my own 'youth' was nearly over. I see now how God redeemed this lost time, however, giving me youth ministry (and parenting) training while working in a movie theater. I worked for Cinemark theaters from age 16-22, in 3 theaters across 2 states, working alongside other teens, and then managing teens as a young adult. All throughout this time, I was racking up valuable skills, not knowing they were rapidly gaining divine interest in the bank. Also at this time, and early in my walk with Jesus, I noticed I was always among the youngest, if not the youngest, at conferences and in bible studies. I also noticed there were never very many of 'us', young people, amongst a sea of older believers. I believed then {as I believe now} that this dichotomy needed to change. I know now, our God is the master-agent of change, and even now He is rallying and raising up young people across the globe for His purposes and for His glory, a tribe of radical, young, idealistic believers who want to make His name famous {and age, doesn't really matter - you can be 103 with young, idealistic faith!}. I want to help light and then pass this torch of revival to the upcoming generations. I want to be a part of this dynamic movement, to help strengthen young people in their faith and in their zeal, right where they're at, so that it carries over into adulthood.
Simply put, I want to be {and motivate others to be} world changers.

With <3 - Lex 'just a youth' Webb

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


{Who am I? What gives me worth?} The plight of teenagers, twenty-somethings, and anyone who has ever wandered or felt displaced. For centuries, it's been the stuff of books and songs, then movies.

{What defines me? What am I really wrapped up in?}
Friends, followers, taste...words? Is it what they call me; how they see me?

Satan, and His influence on the world, seek to combat and crush the Truth inside of you, one believed lie at a time.

In Him, you are so much more than a carelessly slapped-on label, more than a genre, more than a body in a clique. Hold fast against lies, even when they feel like truths, within the unfailing armor He provided you {Ephesians 6:10-18}. Expose darkness with light {5:11}, and ask your Father, "Who do you say I am?" Who better to clarify who you are than the One who made you?

I am who I AM says I am.

             {See, #therealme never had anything to do with me. The real "me" was always about Him.}

Each label I attach to myself {or believe about myself}, that's not from Him or for Him, is another stone in the altar of 'self'.

"I am" leads to idolatry; I AM declared "it is finished." I have been ransomed. I am taken. I am Loved.

In Him, I have new Boldness. Confidence. Drive. Purpose. Destiny. Urgency. I am not characterized any longer by my flaws or by my shortcomings. I am no longer characterized by insecurity, timidity, or anxiety, rather through these weaknesses, my God is illuminated all the more. Where I am weak; He is strong {2 Corinthians 12:10}. I have all of the affection and affirmation I will ever need; they are no longer sought after in dark places. He is the source, the fuel, the light, the passion - the Craftsman whose handiwork is excellent, and a continuously carefully tended to work-in-progress {Philippians 1:6}.

Being His, #therealme, is where purpose and faith catch fire.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

A House Divided Cannot Stand
This is a plea. When we are divided in any way (frustrated, pacing, praying, talking, arguing, planning, plotting, avoiding, bystanding, keeping silent...) I picture Satan observing from a corner, just listening and watching, nodding, saying... "look what I've done". Dissension amongst believers and friends is his brand of chaos, to render His church sidetracked and ineffective to the world that needs it.

It's not even enough to say 'don't be influenced', or 'think for yourself', over a loud minority, because sometimes our 'self' can't see clearly either; our hearts and how we 'feel' are not indicative of the reality of things, (Jeremiah 17:9) not at all. With 'talk', and potential harm within the body, for me and for you, please, ask Your Father first, for clarity, for help. Let's trust God; trust what He says, His character; begin looking for how He thinks; then match and conform our thinking to His (Romans 12:2), swapping our behavior for His. Seek Truth.

"Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them."
Ephesians 5:11

We are brothers, we are sisters; we are a family. I guess it's okay, easy, and even good for some of us still here to be able to say, "it's okay. Let that go, let them go. God will move us forward; don't think about it." But for me, in that, I see a dark path I don't want to walk down. It's where firestarters go to become mummified. Where young, zealous, passionate believers gradually become encased in their own cynicism and weird forms of pride, disguised as 'experience'. Where rich, soft, teachable soil goes to die. It was like a vision into my future, a warning. I don't ever want to ignore, forget, marginalize, or minimize Your commands to love You and to love my brothers, and to exemplify the first by the latter. Keep me near your heart, God; keep me with You! I won't listen when they tell me to harden up! I'd rather feel the weight of this a hundred times over, every single time, in the moments of this glorious walk together, and break over it, than harden myself to it.

Words wound (James 1:26, 3:2-10, 4:11, Proverbs 15:4, 17:9, Titus 3:1-2), and it's a check for all of us.

And maybe these words sting too, because what You've created here is my home. It's where and how You brought me back to you, through the body, not a building. It's where You gave me growing pains, it's taking first steps, learning to ride a bike, growing up together on this messy, holy ground. It's where I was married, where my babies slept and made their first friends. Where we learn together, and teach together, and fall down together, and 'get back up again' (Proverbs 24:16) together. A hundred times over, it's grace.

Personal conviction: {We are not called to jump ship; we are called to drop anchor.}

There may be problems; there may be big problems, and hurts, and lack, and weakness, and apathy, ignorance,'s okay, keep going! The list of issues could go for miles, in and out of many rooms, trailing down the hall, and out the front door of this broken House.

But God loves broken. Anything redeemed reveals evidence of His presence and faithfulness to us: His penmanship, His fingerprints, His ownership over these beautifully flawed works in progress, each church, each person. Please wait, please be patient. Please give more grace, please remain faithful.


Pray. (Philippians 4:6, James 5:16, Colossians 4:2, Hebrews 4:16). Pray for your leaders. Meet with them. Encourage them. Then, keep praying. Meet with each other, lovingly confront. Never give up; He doesn't!

"Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God."
Romans 8:26-27

Stay unified.
Love each other.

"So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you not look only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others."
Philippians 2:1-4

"Therefore I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God. Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love. Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace. For there is one body and one Spirit, just as you have been called to one glorious hope for the future."
Ephesians 4:1-4

"By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
John 13:35

"Finally, brothers, rejoice. Aim for restoration, comfort one another, agree with one another, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you."
2 Corinthians 13:11

Thursday, July 17, 2014


I don't know how to get more passion. I know more how to get caught or how to get your toes stubbed on the corner of door frames. I do know, from experience, that if you want to live passionately, you have to live carefully.

When you feel and believe in things strongly, it's like walking along the edge of a knife. You can do it, but you risk slipping and getting cut. You risk disappointment and getting burned out, but any risks are also heavily outweighed by the potential of living passionately. You can live motivated and be a motivator. You can live encouraged and be an encourager. {Realizing too, that intensity, emotion and how you 'feel' are not the height or the crux of your faith.} You can feel strongly, but you have to make sure it's all in focus.

Source - {what you're passionate about} - Target

Passion is an inherently emotionally charged state, therefore it is inherently unstable. Passion needs a steady, unchanging source and target in order for it to be profitable and invigorating. God is the only one who is steady and unchanging; He will give you your passions and the strength to carry them out, outlined within His plan for your life. He needs to be the fuel and the end target of your passions if you want fire. Without God, our passion is just intense intentions, a flame that never catches, leaving you pacing, frustrated, and ultimately unfulfilled. I want fiery faith for myself that lasts, and I want it for you too. Not "Oh, she's on fire for God {for now}" or "she was on fire earlier in her life". No. I've prayed for God to hold on to me, to never let me gradually slip into lukewarm water, to never let my heart gradually harden towards Him, to not get comfortable or jaded. I need to need Jesus, know Jesus, love Jesus, live Jesus.

You can be passionate about acting, but that is not from or for you. You can be passionate about fly-fishing, or coin collecting, or bowling, or your kids, or various causes, or your various areas of ministry. But these are not from or for you. {Your talents, aspirations, and gifts are all from Him and for Him, His Kingdom, His purposes.} I have slipped off the knife when either the source or the target of my passions have been misaligned. I have tried to be passionate about God while bypassing His Word or His strength (tell me how that one works). I've also cut myself by becoming more passionate about Godly ideas or people, rather than God Himself. The result both times has been pain. {Growth. Distance. Self-Preservation. Then grace which felt like washing all of it down a sink. Point being, God will use and redeem anything; even our 'gunk'. And it's not without apologies; when my messy walk has collided negatively with yours... I'm sorry. God is working and walking it out in me.}

Passion fueled by and for God gets you somewhere. It's the bottom plane of the contraption that will "launch you into your God-given destiny" (Christine Caine). There are other parts that lead you to your destiny in Christ, but I believe passion given by and for Him is the foundation. Life is a gift from Him; everything He gives to you is from Him. Why not worship and live for Him? Apathetic Christians... I don't think there's a greater oxymoron.

{Revelation 3:16}

It's noticeable, and it's perplexing. We are passionate. We get excited by and intensely focused on many things, but often these things we focus on are not the right things, nor are they the substantial or long-lasting things. And then we wonder why our faith is tired, boring, weak, fruitless, and God is seemingly far from us. We do get fired up... but over sports, celebrities, TV shows, new album releases, concerts, promotions, trips, the next 'big thing', church stuff, ministry stuff, or my personal snare, other people. These are good things, but they're not God things. We're meant to enjoy the world's things, we can't live beyond the world when we were created to live IN the world. But her stuff can't be the center of it all. We need a higher plane of thinking. Without God at the heart of it, what is the point? What is the meaning? How can we re-direct a burning fire?

I believe we're not passionate about God's things, because we're still wrapped up in the wrong things. They consume us. They distract us. The greatest 'thing' has already come and gone; the best and the 'highest' made Himself low, bleeding reconciliation with each beat - the ultimate expression of what it means to be passionate, what it looks like to live and love passionately. The second definition for passion in the dictionary is "the suffering and death of Jesus", only after "a strong and barely controllable emotion". This man, Jesus, came and lived on earth, and died for you, His love, in order to be with you again, and left us not only His example, but the strongest, most passion-filled commandment to live by: love God, love people. Do you want to live a full life? Do you want to love fiercely? Love God, love people {and then pray for His protection! That is some intense, vulnerable living.}

See, if you're walking with God, He doesn't want to be just one of your passions; He already is the Passion. The center, wanting to be your center, like a nucleus. He doesn't want to be just another thing thrown into the laundry, a 'thing' you do a few times a week, another activity, another task. He's intense; He wants all of you, all of your time, all of your focus, all of your dedication, all of your energy, to be all you desire, and to be the only one that you love. And He was willing to die for you to have that. That's passion.

Yes, make plans. Go to school. Seek Godly counsel. Wait and pray for your future spouse. Get that job. Work hard. Make money. Save it up. Give it away. Join a cause. Raise your voice.

Now, try again with a perspective shift, infused with passion, with God at the center:

Go to school for Him. Seek Godly counsel because it's all about Him. Wait for Him. Get that job for Him. Work for Him. Use your money, time, and talents for Him. Join the cause for Him. Raise your voice for Him.

Your life is not about you; it never was! You are not supposed to be the source or the target of your passion(s); you can't sustain it. 'Us' in charge leads to disappointment and ultimate purposelessness. Your God is good, the highest, the strongest, and He is trustworthy. He can handle all of you; You can trust Him to fully take the reins from your hands. So let go. He knows you, He loves you, and He's for you (Romans 8:31). Put Him as the center, and watch how your life and faith ignite.

Have you heard this song?
Center of It All - Desperation Band

Lastly, when it comes to passion, my girl says it best. Seriously, make watching this one a priority!
Christine Caine Passion 2014